Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog 5

After reading the essay "Media Magic: Making Class Invisible", it made me think about mass media a lot differently. The statistics in the opening paragraph about how much TV Americans really watch is a poor reflection of our society. On top of that, the mass media control that is getting smaller is not going to improve in the future. There needs to be changes made and more informational media being broadcast that help the greater good of society.

One of the main points in this essay is about the poor. It clearly is a major issue in America. There needs to be more beneficial awareness about the forty million people that need help. There needs to be more broadcast on the real facts like the policies that are making people lose jobs, they are not all crack addicts, the poor affect society as a whole, and other things like that. I think it would make people realize the issue at hand and will be more willing to help if the poor are made to look like real people, just like them.

Another main topic in this essay is the wealthy. The perception of "if your not with us, your against us" that is broadcasted in the mass media, makes it harder to help the poor. There needs to be more light brought to the diversity of the class division and how the influence of the rich needs to be changed. A classic example of this is in Polyestra's essay, where her parents are so fascinated with the rich life that they become obsessed.

This essay was a real eye opener to the ways that the mass media, controlled by the rich of course, has brain washed the country. They teach the middle class to blame, fear, and idolize different types of people. All of this happening, while the rich accumulate massive amounts of wealth. If the mass media was run by a different social class, ie. the middle class, there issues would be presented in the public eye. Though all of this upper class control in the mass media is happening, there is not a lot that will change it.
((some kid's english project on youtube to John Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change" song))

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