Monday, January 11, 2010

Blog 2

After reading the multiple outlooks on work in the GIG book, all of them have very unique outlooks on what they do.

When it came to the Walmart welcome guy, his attitude toward his work is the best. He enjoyed his job very much and made sure the small things for his customers, like carts stacked, were in order. He enjoyed his bosses and even set up his own hours to be with his wife more. His job would be more of a calling because he doesn't look at it as just a greeting job but as helping people find their happiness. He sees the broa
der aspect of it and the Dalai Lama would be very proud. He enjoys what he is doing, gives him a feeling of self worth, and even says he has "a bit of an edge in this" when it comes to his positive outlook.

The UPS driver had a very rough first job. He was yelled at everyday and never positively reinforced. He hates some of his clients that he delivers for and even calls them shit. His job is definintally not a calling because he gets no joy out of it besides porn in some client's bathrooms. He fakes sick and even says he cannot trust his bosses. His job has the potential to be a calling because he loves to drive, but his work atmosphere makes it very hard to do so. At the very end of his story, he even admits that he should be able to find meaning in his job, but can't. I
f he had worked for an different truck company, maybe just driving a truck full time, he could call it a calling.

The mom's attitude about being a mother is viewing it as hard work. She begins by explaining all the manual labor and lack of sleep she gets. She compares herself to a pack animal when it comes to taking them to the park and the only part she enjoys while there is the other moms. She realizes she doesn't view it as a calling at the beginning of her story and even blames society for this saying today there isn't enough support for a family. Towards the end, she admits to not regretting givin
g up her other career and loving her children. If the Dalai Lama was concerned, this would be her calling because she does it for her kid's well being.

The second grade teacher attitude toward her work is very positive. She loves what she does, despite some of her problem kids. She had a rough start to her teaching career, but talking about it she has the heart to laugh it off and see some of the things she obsessed about as silly. She had no idea what she wanted to do at the beginning of college, but she never shows any doubt or regret for teaching. I can relate to the second grade teacher the most, despite both of us wanting to be teachers. She was petrified at the beginning of her career and thats the way I feel right now. She also feels like she is a person that should be a teacher, and I couldn't have said it better. She realizes the financial hardships that come with her job, but according to Hooks she has found the "right livelihood."

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